'* Code written by Alexander Haneng (C) 1998-2001 *
'* FREE download from http://www.haneng.com/ *
'Type in the path of the file to use. Make sure that the script has write access.
MyFile = "guestbook.txt"
'Ready Scripting.FileSystemObject
Set MyFileObj=Server.CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
'Opens textfile. 8 = add line to file, true = create if it doesn't exists
Set MyOutStream=MyFileObj.OpenTextFile(MyFile, 8, TRUE)
'Writes the line to the file
New_line = Request.Form("new_line")
New_line = Server.HTMLEncode(New_line)
'Adds the time and date it was posted
New_line = "Posted: " & NOW & "
" & New_line
'Closes the file
'Sends them back to the default page
Response.Redirect "default.asp"